~Congrats Michaela and Happy Birthday Luke!~
This morning, I was determined to get up early to decorate my friend Luke’s locker for his birthday. I usually take the early bus with all the little kids and Cedar, so I figured I could get there early enough to set up. I walked to the bus stop with my mom and my little sister. We weren’t worried about being late, so we just walked. While I was walking on the sidewalk, I looked down to see a little dead bird laying on the ground. It was so sad I stopped and just stood there. When I looked back up, I saw my sister sprinting toward the bus stop. I ran after her, and saw her just in time to see the bus stop for her at the end of the road. The bus drove off like it didn’t feel like picking me up today.
I ended up getting a ride from my mom.
When I got to school, I went in through the orchestra room and snuck into the locker area. I felt like some sort of burglar or spy, being paranoid that Luke was going to show up or I was going to get caught when we weren’t supposed to be at lockers. Right in the middle of my decorating, my phone buzzed and startled me. Apparently my friends’ baby brother was born! I talked to her for a couple minutes and then realized I was still decorating.
When I finished decorating and people started arriving, I showed Mack the locker and we started walking away. But this scary lady stopped us, gave us the evil eye, and yelled at us for being at a locker.
Then a couple minutes later, my friends were decorating a different persons locker for their birthday. They beckoned me over and asked me which one was the persons locker, then the lady came over again. I thought we were all caught, until she looked directly at me and said,
“You can’t be over here! These girls are decorating a friends locker for her birthday, but YOU have to leave!!”
Don’t you just love it when that happens?
Oh well… Luke liked the surprise anyway, but I think he would’ve appreciated it more if he knew the whole story. ;)